
Extraction & Disposal

We are the partner at your side for the extraction and disposal of free-flowing bulk materials. Our experience covers two key areas: managing incidents and optimising support for the industry, regardless of the complexity or size of the facility..

How you benefit
with Imgrund

We understand that speed and responsiveness are critical when dealing with incidents. This is why we have built up one of the largest fleets of extraction vehicles in Germany and deployed them nationwide. This enables us to react quickly across Germany. We also work with you to develop integrated and comprehensive industry approaches. Using the latest technology and adhering to strict safety standards, of course. We are committed to your safety, the safety of our employees and the safety of the environment. Regardless of whether it is a matter of rectifying a fault in the short term or providing ongoing support to the industry.


Facts and figures about our services

  • We are the partner at your side for the extraction and disposal of free-flowing bulk materials
  • Expertise in two key areas: Incident management and industry support
  • Speed and responsiveness as a basis
  • One of the largest fleets of extraction vehicles in Germany
  • Nationwide presence for rapid response in Germany
  • Development of integrated and comprehensive, technically advanced concepts

The specialist at your side for
Extraction & Disposal

Together, we find the right solution for you. Contact us today: Fast. Easy. Personal.

Bernd Schepers
Managing Partner

T   +49 (0) 2803 / 4727

„Our integrated, comprehensive and advanced concepts are the key to greater efficiency in the extraction and disposal of free-flowing bulk materials.“

Bernd Schepers
Managing Partner