
raw materials

Effective and efficient logistics are an essential cornerstone of commercial success in the mineral resources sector. When it comes to transporting free-flowing raw materials, you can rely 100 per cent on our team. We can help you reduce transport costs and cut delivery times, significantly improving the efficiency and reliability of your logistics.

We are your partner
in the raw materials industry

Flexibility and speed in the supply of materials are just as important as ensuring the high quality of the raw materials to be transported – especially in the case of salts, for example. That is why we rely on modern technology and digital processes. Our vehicles are equipped with telematics systems to monitor their location in real time and coordinate exactly when they are going to arrive at their destination.

Safety also plays a central role. The transport and storage of mineral raw materials requires special safety precautions to prevent hazards such as dust formation or mixing. To achieve this, we provide regular training for our employees and use specialised vehicles that meet the requirements of the goods being transported.


Our benefits for mineral raw materials

  • We are specialists in effective logistics for the raw materials industry
  • We use intelligent solutions to reduce your transport costs and cut delivery times
  • We ensure the quality of the mineral raw materials we transport using the latest technologies and digital processes
  • Real-time monitoring of the vehicle location and filling level
  • Use of load-optimised silo trucks
  • Storage and transfer

Our service for you


Specialised transport

Warehouse logistics

Port handling

Value-added services



100% satisfied


Contact us for a personal consultation and let us drive your success together.

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Great Logistics

Quality assurance is our top priority. Of course, we regularly put this standard to the test and have the results certified.

View our certificates